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Old 12-29-2013, 03:39 PM
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jdsnc82 jdsnc82 is offline
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tranny or something else.....

So I'm not sure what's going on with my pearl, I have never been able to break traction on pavement until a few days ago. Wet or dry but now it wants to every time its wet out. Feels like its just the front but can't really tell. Didn't want to push just in case some bad has happened. I also feel a shudder in the car when making turns from a stop. No a heavy one but can tell. I don't have any engine or trans lights on but not sure if that matters. I'm just at a loss on what it could be or where I should start checking for something wrong. Really worried about it cause its my only car. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
Party like a rock star, rock it like a porn star, and drive it like you stole it. Life's short, live it
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