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Old 11-26-2002, 03:10 PM
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Re: Rants about turn signals and driving lanes

Originally posted by $VX
Alright, like EVERYTIME I get on the highway, I get annoyed at the fact that people are DRIVING in the passing lane. The RIGHT lane is for DRIVING. The left lanes should only be used for passing someone who isn't going your speed. Simple right? Apparently not, since 90% of the people on the road don't understand this.

Also, I hate people who don't use their turn signals; they're INFINITELY more dangerous than most people speeding 10-15mph over the limit. EXCESSIVE speeding, yeah, that could be dangerous if traffic is heavy, but the the REAL accident causers are the careless cell phone jabbing poppycocks who don't use their signals and drift or snap into lanes. The guy going 25 over is probably paying a LOT of attention to the environment around him. Anyawy...

considering how I rant about this like everday, or at least NOTICE the morons who don't use their signals, what can be done? MY gf just told me to shut up about it if I don't want to make the effort to change it. Well. I'm wanting to make the effort. Question is: HOW?! Is there any 'turn signal users' club or anything? Anyone have any ideas? I want to start writing some editorials to local papers etc etc.

- Ca$h
I'm marking this day on my calendar because, for once, I agree totally with Rob. I think I must have been out of the country the day they passed that constitutional amendment against use of turn signals.

If you would like to visit a place where driving can be a dream, spend some time in Germany. Unlike the US, getting a driver's license there is very expensive and time-consuming. Germans have the best road discipline of any drivers I've seen. Generally, the worst drivers there are servicemen from an unnamed foreign country.

Autobahns without speed limits are kinda fun too, plus there's the opportunity to pay the fee to drive your car on a portion of the justly famed Nurburgring.
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