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Old 11-03-2013, 03:41 PM
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Matthewmongan Matthewmongan is offline
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Location: Original Northwood, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
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Re: A retrospective look at life:Post-SVX.

"Ditch the Accord and pick up a Honda Fit" - wdb

I own both, but yes, the Fit is like driving a Jack Russell Terrier. It really is the modern mini cooper. I have a pending factory recall service order on the traction control system that I haven't done yet, and I can't find tires that maintain decent grip in the rain. (its probably more of a right foot problem). I will have to look up this Beatrush under panel.

I received my bar results this past friday and apparently the examiners liked my answers so much they invited me back to take it again! I was off by 18 points. I scored abnormally well on the day two multistate exam but poohed the bed on the day one local essay portion. I suspect test anxiety got the better of me. Realistically, within the same week I spotted a mole on April's back, she was diagnosed with skin cancer, had a large portion of skin removed, her grandmother died, we bought our dream home, and I took the bar. So, take a collection of the most stressful things you will ever have to go through and compress them down into a seven day period. That was my exam week. I suspect February will be calmer.
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