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Old 11-26-2002, 12:12 PM
Posts: n/a
Become a congressman/senator and draft a new turn signal law.

Join the statetroopers and start cracking down on those who change without turn signals.

There's lots that can be done.

By writing editorals, all you are doing is talking about it, which is something you said you did not want to do.

I agree with you completely. It makes me more than annoyed when I see idiots in front of me just veering into my lane without a signal or anything. As far as the left lane goes, I tend to drive in that lane most of the time since I end up passing those in the right lanes constantly. If a car comes up behind me that's going faster than I am, of course I move over and let him pass. It's those idiots that drive in that lane and end up doing the same amount of speed as the dude in the right lane, completely blocking both lanes, that get to me. They cause accidents.
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