Thread: Tesla
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Old 02-15-2013, 10:33 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Re: Tesla

Sooner or later, fossil fuels are going to become prohibitively expensive. Makes sense to go ahead and work the kinks out of whatever's next.

Took a trip with a friend in a Prius and I told her I'd fill-up the car at day's end if she'd drive. Spent <$14.00 for a run that would have cost me every bit of $40.00 in one of my cars. Yeah, I know, replacing the battery pack is expensive, but geez, let me get my calculator out. And in spite of the complexity relative to a conventional vehicle, Consumer Reports rates the reliability of these things as excellent.

Read this morning that 92% of Chevy Volt buyers surveyed would buy one again. That's amazing.

The vast majority of my driving is <15 miles per trip; country road, small town stuff. And incredibly, there are even a couple of EV chargers around here. I'd love to have an EV for commuting, charged in part by a photovoltaic array on the garage roof. I don't think I'm alone in that mindset. and I don't think it will be too long before the numbers will really work.

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