Thread: I'm tired.
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Old 11-07-2012, 03:21 PM
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NikFu S. NikFu S. is offline
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I'm tired too, as I have actually been researching and keeping myself updated on things like "Obamaphone", which was actually a program initiated by Bush.
Golly gee, it's easy to think Obama is **** when you fall for the propaganda, isn't it?

There are perfectly legitimate reasons to criticize him, but the Fox News audience focuses on retarded **** that doesn't make any sense and can be proven to be fabricated like his "real" nationality, religion, calling him a socialist/communist, or other idiotic distractions.

FBI drug raids increased under Obama. That's a positive for the Republicans.
Drone production and drone strikes have increased DRAMATICALLY under Obama. Plus for you "anti-terror" police state types and anti-Muslims.
Obama extended the Bush tax cuts.
He BAILED OUT WALL STREET and the auto industry (he crated er jerbss! Obvious capitalist is OBVIOUS)
He left Iraq on BUSH'S TIMELINE.
He authorized indefinite detention of US CITIZENS.

He's not even a real liberal, he's moderate.

Romney is a Vietnam draft dodger, as well as his whole family.
Romney BANKRUPTED businesses INTENTIONALLY as head of Bain Capital and outsourced jobs to CHINA. He can't even keep HIS OWN MONEY in the U.S.
Romney has proven he has little regard for half of the country.
Romney is completely incapable of:
- relating to the common people (YOU)
- being consistent on any issue
- releasing his tax returns
- not being a pompous dick

You want to know why Obama is getting a second term? It's not because people are becoming lazy, it's because the GOP and Tea Party self-destructed by nominating the biggest ****ing idiots in the history of politics. You can't run a campaign on insanity and ignorance of simple biological functions (Todd Akin, anyone?). You can't run a campaign on disinformation when any monkey with an internet connection can FACT CHECK everything.

What's the last bull**** thing Romney said that put the nail in his coffin? You probably fell for it. He said Chrysler outsourced jobs to China. That's not true, GM put out a press release telling him how full of **** he was. They did open up a plant in China, for the Chinese market, but it DID NOT result from any factory closing HERE.

Some of you may recall I have spent the last 5 years campaigning for Ron Paul.

I have never been a giant fan of Obama but I am quite fond of factual information, and that is not something that you will find coming from the Right.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. You're definitely not entitled to your own definition of facts, and the methods used to discover and obtain facts are not only not in dispute, but are responsible for your lifestyle whether you know it or not. Respect it. Stop feeding into bull**** because it fits your agenda.

You want to talk about Obama, or Romney, or anyone else, let's go. Point by point. You better have Google handy.
"That which can be asserted without evidence
can be dismissed without evidence."

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