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Old 10-12-2012, 03:23 PM
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Re: Presidential Race

Originally Posted by icingdeath88 View Post
Gary Johnson is the next closest thing. The libertarians have me about half on-board. Half of their views are perfectly in sync with mine, but the other half are very far off.
I don't agree with a lot of the platform either but I also recognize that going that route uses something that the parties have taken from you over the past 100 years. Personal responsibility and takes gov't involvement out of activities where the founders never felt the feds had any role in anyways. If you haven't read his lates book 7 principles of good gov't it is very good.

Personally I find it funny that Robamey and Ryden have been fighting tooth and nail to keep someone off the ballot that in every poll pulls nearly 50-50 from the democrats and republicans. I think they just don't want people to realize that he is even worse of a can. as McCain was.

Only a coward would ask you to not vote for who you think is the best person to lead the country in the right direction. Oh, sorry, strike that, I meant to say only landshark...
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