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Old 09-21-2012, 06:49 AM
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Re: Concerning the Movie About Islam

If we want to pin violence on Muslims, why not identify all violent actions done in the name of religion? Anyone heard of The Crusades? Surely, Christ's followers are a bunch of bloodthirsty savages! "Oh, that wasn't us... It was some other guys."

Regarding Freedom of Speech: That's not an unlimited say-what-you-want card. Investigating the limits might show that our government has probably spent a lot of time discussing whether to squelch this thing. The last deciding factor is that they'd rather the violence be in foreign countries from foreign citizens than by Americans on American soil.

Considering the violence that has erupted and that the whole country has the burden of responsibility on its shoulders as a result of one dope's expression, no one has the right to complain about it unless they're willing to argue that kicking a beehive shouldn't have any repercussions. Your Freedom of Speech allows this guy to make a movie that hits a long known sensitive spot.

But you're ready to fight to the death to defend his right, right? Oh, wait - that's some other guys, too.
Disclaimer: The above post is on the internet.
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