Thread: winter reminder
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Old 11-14-2002, 02:56 PM
not Larry 3rd
Posts: n/a
Originally posted by Beav
Yup - a blanket and a thermos full of Chivas. A cell phone and the number to Hooters. (you thought I was going to say AAA, didn't you?) Hey, if you're going to be late getting home why not be a few days late?

I agree with the Chivas but not being a few days late. I think it's more fun to be a few nights late.

The beautiful naviguesser constantly tells me;
"I don't know why all you guys run out for hamburger, when you can have filet mignon at home."

I, of course sing my reply as follows: " You deserve a break today, so get out and get away...."

Larry III
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