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Old 10-17-2011, 02:56 AM
1986nate 1986nate is offline
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Re: The SVX hauler suffered an injury :p

And after, Holy crap! Ground clearance

And basically empty enough.

BTW, even with a starter failure in Florida on this trip from driving through over a foot of water, I still have less than a total of $900 into this van. Even including maintenance costs. Look who's laughing now.

the list of stuff in the van that I can remember is as follows
3 windshields
2 pallets
1 hood
1 fwd 5 spd and needed swap parts
1 complete AWD 5 spd swap parts
1 SVX auto transmission
2 torque converters
3 flywheels
a complete set of struts and hubs (all 4 corners) from an SVX
2 complete rear Legacy strut assemblies
4 SVX rims with tires
3 extra tires
SVX midpipe
pair of control arms
Front differential
air compressor
way too many tools
complete dashboard
2 intake manifolds
lots of random bits
quite a bit of luggage
Honestly, can't remember what else

Inside the complete SVX I was pulling there was
an extra leather driver seat
a complete engine
tons of other random bits

I traveled just a bit over 7000 miles on this trip (don't ask how much gas I spent ). And for the entire trip, loaded/unloaded(90 percent of it there was the van loaded or a vehicle on the dolly and averaged about 19 mpg overall.
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