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Old 10-12-2011, 12:23 PM
92snowmachine 92snowmachine is offline
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Re: I've started a blog to explain my problems with Sony's customer service.

if you look around on the net you can probably find a way to get into the service mode of the tv. usually pushing several buttons on it at once. they usually have an option to "deguass" the screen. i had this issue with a sony tv several years ago and a tv repair man showed me how to use this feature, charged me $100 and sent me on my way. i had to do it about once a week until it eventually stopped working. the tv repairman claimed it was because the case of the tv wasn't shielded from the magnetic field that the screen itself creates. don't know if he is right or even if it will work for your tv but it's worth a shot not to look at the blob. if your tv doesn't have the option you can even use a computer monitor that does by holding it directly in front of your screen.
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