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Old 07-10-2011, 09:48 AM
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Re: 20 / 13 It's Comming! Be Prepared!

Originally Posted by LetItSnow View Post
And everyone says, "John, how can I help?"
That's where things have gone wrong. It isn't or shouldn't be about one person dictating or being looked to as the leader but rather a group/committee working together, bringing different ideas, backgrounds and desire's to the discussion then deciding what will work and what won't.

Personally, I miss the banquet style dinner etc but also won't be the financial backer again for such an event. I know how cheap and uncommitted many are here. I'd still love to see such a dinner held at the wonderfully designed Antique Automobile Association's Museum in Hershey. It is a great organization. Sure it isn't the closest at about an hour away for a group drive but it is well worth it, would be a private event in the evening so you'd have a great place for pictures, a private tour, etc. Really for any dinner, NOW is the time to start looking as all of the banquet facilities book up quickly well ahead of time.

Another option could be a track day at Pocono Raceway or a Thursday/Friday rental of Maple Grove. Again, this takes money to organize and lay out ahead of time, which goes along with the whole need for a real club which maintains a non-profit legal status, a bank account, liability insurance, ability to post sponsored events to bring others into the fold, etc.

Again, there are plenty of others with ideas out there, talk about them and make the best happen.
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