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Old 06-14-2011, 05:15 AM
Gearhead843 Gearhead843 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Charleston
Posts: 32
Talking Going turbo at last!

My SVX's issues are finally all sorted, and she's been going good.

Anyway, I crave more power. And thus, I'm going to attempt to go turbo, with help from a friend of mine who owns a pretty good turbo SVX setup. I've got a general idea of what I need, its just waiting, and working hard for the money to afford the bits!

I just wanted to share my project with my fellow SVX'ers and get feedback and tips with this build I'm attempting.

You can follow the project on my project blog:
Project Turbo SVX

Thanks to everyone for the helpful advice and support!
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