Thread: Finally got OBL
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Old 05-03-2011, 06:53 AM
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Re: Finally got OBL

Step one in what's hokey is that they claim they have a 99.9% DNA confirmation from just a few hours after his death. Undoubtedly, the bin Laden compound doesn't have the appropriate equipment and (we're told) samples from family members' DNA collected over the years, so some bits of him must have been collected, transported, and processed in an impossibly short amount of time.

If he was killed when they told us he was, then the 99.9% DNA confirmation announcement was false. It's not like a pH test in your fish tank.

The way the 99.9% DNA confirmation is being described is also questionable. At best, they way it's told, they've definitely killed him or one of his brothers. This man has 50 siblings!

Phrasing in the press and overall timing leave much to question. I hope it's as stated, and I hope the repercussions either way aren't substantial, but I'm left with little faith from the vibe I get.
Disclaimer: The above post is on the internet.
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