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Old 03-15-2011, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Cam View Post
I don't vote. I most likely never will. I enjoy the united states and a lot of the people here, but there are so many ignorant souls that don't truly understand what is going on.

Democratic or Republican...there's no real choice to be made. One will take money one way, and the others will achieve the same thing in a different fashion. They will both raise the defecit. And they will all vote to raise their pay. We need a new system in the states. But that will never happen without a second american revolution...
Man, I have to ask what is your general political leaning? Just humor me for the best answer you can give. I don't really "believe" in this kind of ideological division, but for the purpose of not having to answer stupid questions from ignorant people I say I am Libertarian.

I am trying my best to not be a salesman here, but how can you have this original [before the media and disgruntled right-wingers got a hold of and bastardized it] Tea-Party-esque view without acknowledging the honest or worthwhile candidates out there?

Just to brush off every politician, that is plain lazy. I have been following Ron Paul for the last 4 years and I have never been so committed to a cause. The man is not in the pockets of big business. He actively seeks transparency of government interests in favor of the people. He has one of the most consistent voting records in all of Congress, and earned the nickname "Dr. No" from his peers for his refusal to ally with even borderline unconstitutional legislation.

From what I have gleaned over the last few years is he is American-centric. I am anti-nationalist but being that I live in this country I feel we should focus on our own problems before fixing others. This is an anti-interventionist policy (not isolationist, as that would imply inhibition of free-trade a la N. Korea)
He is a personal Christian. This means he holds his religious values to himself, and only himself which I like as a non-religious person. He is against abortion and drug use, as am I, though we would not force other people to be punished for what they do to their own bodies provided they affect no one else.
He is not anti-corporatist like me, but he is anti-crony capitalism" which is good for everyone who isn't a crooked CEO/BoD/etc.
The man is very intelligent and sticks to his guns. He's constantly being interviewed even by Fox news whom shunted him during the last election and wrote him off as a lunatic.

[whoops: hit submit before I was done]

Screw it, I either made my point or I didn't. I am tired. I have been fighting this fight for a long time.

He was appointed chairman of the Federal Reserve oversight committee, something or other, I forgot and didn't save a link [fixed!]. If you think it's hopeless, it isn't. Things are moving in the right direction... slowwwlllyy..
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Last edited by NikFu S.; 03-15-2011 at 09:59 PM.
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