Thread: Farm, 2011
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Old 02-27-2011, 09:24 PM
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Re: Farm, 2011

Originally Posted by svxfiles View Post
How about now?
Will try to have 'progress' made by dark-30 tomorrow.

FOOD for thought.....

The MILLIONARE that this puke works for has a really smart way of dodging taxes!
He pays his 'sub-contractor' well, and HE hires the pukes!
I have NO IDEA who pays the TAXES that are DUE EVERY time money changes hands.
The one guy gets a FULL 'disability' check that will be smaller if he has 'income'. Then MY 'puke' gets food stamps and other 'benifits' that would be smaller if HE had 'reportable' income.
His 'sub-contractor' goes to the state funded METH clinic before he reports to work.
I need to call Child Protective Services and 'report' what I know. They will contact the welfare board.
Then I need to call the IRS and report what I know.
I have PICTURES of these pukes vehicles at a 're-hash' of a rental unit. (taken today)
I will be contacting the millionare tomorrow and asking him to 'cut the check' for the clean-up that he bennifited from, and told me weeks ago that he would cover, or I will call the IRS and BEG for an Audit!
I can't afford to 'fight' him in court, but I can call on the IRS to do some 'sniffing' that will cost him more than the clean-up!

He TOLD me that the puke was FIRED in November. WHY is he still working there? (I got the PICS!!)
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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