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Old 01-24-2011, 02:34 PM
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benebob benebob is offline
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Re: Lost electricity briefly on highway last night

Maybe you should spend more than $10 for daily transportation.

So from your first post I gather that you replaced the battery and cable after it did it the first time right? Was that battery smaller too or not? Is it possible you're breaking off the terminal post inside the battery or is it nice and tight? I remember reading that Red Tops have a habit of breaking their posts (I'd suspect it is less related to the battery itself and more related to improper tying down on installation). Your cable does seem a bit tarnished a little soda usually does the trick on that, then grease it up with some electrical grease. How are your fusable links? Finally, check your wiring going to the alternator, is it possible you have a short there which is grounding?
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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