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Old 01-02-2011, 05:18 PM
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Alycone Alycone is offline
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Re: My silly little dog has a problem

If there are still things he enjoys and there are more good days than bad I'd say keep him going and wait for him to let you know when he's had enough. Vets seem to give out more pain medicine for animals nowadays, so if he does start to have pain you should be able to help him with it. Cherish the time you have now. As long as he's eating the soft food and not getting lethargic or malnourished I'd guess he's doing ok.

I had to put my 21 y/o cat down last year - I would have preferred to have done it about a week earlier but my mother (he was her cat too) wasnt ready, so I finally had to insist. I feel kinda bad about that but he wasnt in a lot of pain, just sick n tired with bad kidneys. It seems like most people in this situation looking back on it wish they had done it a tad earlier. Unfortunately there's usually no perfect time.

Good for you for trying to do the right thing by your dog.

(shiny fur - for cats I'd say add some fish oil, dont know about dogs)
Still in love with my Subie
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