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Old 10-01-2010, 07:53 PM
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Re: Wants to overheat

Originally Posted by Michael Blue View Post
Doesn't seem to have been the thermostat.
I'm going to make sure all the air is out of the system, then it goes to a shop for diagnosis/likely water pump.

With an air pocket in the cooling system, it will do strange things. This can be difficult to correct unless you happen to know what you are doing.

The following method has worked consistently for me over the years on my SVX's so I will pass it on.

Best way I have found to get air out of the cooling system is to fill the radiator and immediately take the large hose loose where it is clamped to the top, lift it enough to pour coolant in it and when it is full, reconnect the hose and top off radiator, fasten radiator cap on and check for proper level of coolant in the reservoir.

This should be worth remembering in case it is needed... But... for the few "smart folks" that that already live the less effective hit and miss methods, please don't waste time telling "us less intelligent folks" why this won't possibly work.

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