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Old 09-08-2010, 06:34 PM
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K_Dub K_Dub is offline
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Re: how bad are some of those leading our country ?

I've got a bit of time to kill here at work, so I'll jump back into the fray.

Originally Posted by lhopp77 View Post
A little something to consider for you Obama supporters!!!

This is very disturbing!!!! .
Chrysler's Railroad

This could be a scandal of epic proportions and one that makes Nixon's Watergate or Clinton 's Monica Lewinsky affair pale by comparison. Why did it appear there neither rhyme nor reason as to which dealerships of the Chrysler Corporation were to be closed?
Worse than stacking the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT full of supporters to justify TORTURE?

Rewarding your supporters with continued employment is just one facet of this totally screwy political system, but no different than what any other politician does every day. Bad? Yes. Scandal of epic proportions? Meh.

Originally Posted by Trevor
Ordinary people throughout the rest of the world were thrilled that with the election of Obama, democracy had been so absolutely demonstrated in an historic and tangible way. You should be increasing still further your status in the eyes of the world, by utilising the advantage of having such a significant personage as a front man.

As we on the outside understand it, you do not have any form of a dictatorship. Surely there are no grounds whereby the president should be made a solitary scapegoat. Or does he alone run the USA ?
He did win the popular vote (in an election that wasn't rigged by his brother). After eight years of catastrophic foreign policy I'm glad to see that not the entire world has written off the American model of demockery, even if many in the US like myself have.

Originally Posted by Keith
obama has never being about "fixing it".
for a couple of reasons, transferring the wealth has always been his agenda.

One is his voting base compiled mostly of the half of America that take rather than paying any income tax. Strangely, half of America thinks the income tax is fair. Could that possible be the 50% that never pay any income tax??

The other is his hatred for the successful Americans that by their efforts have brought them a measure of success.

He simply doesn't think they deserve it!

New to the political form but encouraged by the SVX folks that are not a part of the obama "praise and worship" crowd.

Like the rest of America, I suspect that the SVX form ones that were fooled by the "con man" have now discovered the "Scam"!

On the contrary, I think Obama's enigmatic idealism is his downfall. Many people before the election were viewing him as the next coming, and it is certainly disheartening to realize that our political system is so totally broken that nobody has the power to "change" things.

As of 2001 %1 of the population 38% of the wealth, while the bottom 40% only accounts for 1% of the wealth (source). If that isn't reason enough for a redistribution of wealth than what is? I don't want to live in a feudal state, and with the way things are going it's only getting worse. The housing crisis has made land ownership exclusive to the aristocratic ruling class who, contrary to your post, was born into this position while the rest of us serfs are beholden to them for generations to come. I'd love to own a house and some land someday, but banks won't lend money and people are homeless while entire neighborhoods are going to seed. Redistribution of wealth (through banking regulation, income taxes, and a livable minimum wage, not welfare) would put the homeless people into the empty houses and everybody wins with the exception of the 1 percenters, and they DON"T deserve it. Skim a little off the top of the CEO pay, and banker's bonuses and give it to the people who work for a living and you'll get a country where everybody has a chance to make something of themselves, not just those who're born into money.
'92 LS-L "Bandit" #362 formerly dark teal, repainted by prev owner
Mods: ECUTune 2v7f, Earthworm bushings, Pioneer DVD/Bluetooth phone, Infinity Reference all around, tint, 17" wheels, custom seat belt computer, velcro visor

Buying parts is like car payments. Someday she'll be all mine.

Last edited by K_Dub; 09-08-2010 at 06:42 PM.
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