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Old 09-06-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: Just wante to apologize.

Originally Posted by SoCal LS-L View Post
Dang Keith you must be Swiss, cause you sure sound holier-than-thou.

I have to call you on this one, I read some less than Keith-level maturity in prior postings that you may have forgotten about.
Actually, I do not have the luxury of "prior postings that I have forgotten about" This is all a matter of record... again, look it up!

This is an exact Quote from billiebob...This was posted 8-28-2010
Ignorance on buying is never a reason to go to court. You're additude and post is exactly what's wrong with this country. I to saw nothing beyond surface rust on that underside. Even an idiot buying the car from this side of the country should know that is how they are when picked up from a dealer. Then again, maybe not every idiot.
I guess in your mind ignorance is bliss.

This was done without any prompting. My reply to him was 2 days later, 8-30-2010.

I felt his personal attack was unmerited, and he was just doing his "macho" thing by attacking a poor defenseless old 80 year old person.

In my 80 years on this earth I respond to people when they personally address me . I have made a lifestyle of being nicer to people than they are to me... except if they want to go the other rout.

Sorry, I cannot join in with the few people that "tear up" when they think about billiebob being mistreated. Trust me, after reading some of your posts, I have tried.

Again, since the warning, I have not responded to any of the continued attacks from billiebob!

SOCal, I hate to bring this up, but now you have opened a whole new can of worms...

Your attack on the "Swiss folks" was not provoked by any "Swiss folks" to my knowledge, and it may just come back to haunt you!
