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Old 08-31-2010, 02:33 PM
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NikFu S. NikFu S. is offline
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Registered SVX
This is just my armchair-economist opinion but I think a true free-market in the sense that the market can do what it wants without regulation to protect the working-class will lead to a sort of tyrannical corporate-fascist oligarchy. I know that word "fascist" gets thrown around a lot but bear in mind the corporation, while important, is not necessarily the "end result" of civilized progress. That I believe is true liberty which means the needs of the people need to come before the needs of the money.
Under a market that does not appeal to the people the only way the system can survive is if it bleeds the people which is contrary to the concept of liberty, conversely a people-friendly system can be prosperous for all parties involved, which is fair.

There are a few reasons why free-market Capitalism may not be doing as well as it should; greed, "moral" fundies, uneducated poor and young. I only expect the Corporations to keep their greed in check [as a prerequisite for fair success], but I think for them to expect that people will educate themselves and protect civil rights in the face of personal doctrines is naive, and I think they know this which may be why advertising works as effectively as it does.
If the market is to succeed, the money needs to get out of the hands of the wealthy and into the working class, but too many people consider liquid wealth as the best yard stick with which to measure their value as a person. The contests to become the world's richest and most notable makes for a lot of waste and self-centered behaviour.
I'm fine with the rich being rich, they've earned it, but we all know the cliches about wealth and power. The corporations have a responsibility to use their resources for the betterment of the people because after all, it's not like they just got rich on their own out of thin air.
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can be dismissed without evidence."

'92 Dark Teal SVX LS-L, >146,000m
3 pedals, 5 speeds., restoration underway.
2012 Honda Insight, slow but cute.

Last edited by NikFu S.; 08-31-2010 at 02:35 PM.
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