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Old 04-23-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: TPS testing questions/clarification

Originally Posted by redlinedeath View Post
my settings let me do 200, 2k, 20k and higher. is 20k good? while im doing the sweet from 5.44 dowm, thewhole and tenths place decimals are pretty smooth, but the hundreths place is jumpy, even when slow, is that normal for me turning itby hand? also, when i have it in the car and set it, do i do it on the ohms setting? or the setting that reads DCV?
Yes, use the 20K range i.e. 0 - 20,000 ohms.

The measurement should be smooth throughout, up to 5,000 ohms. Not sure what you mean by --- "the hundredths place even when slow". You are looking for poor contact as the moving contact passes a set distance and you must turn the shaft slowly. Read the above data in full so that you understand what is involved.

An intermittent contact at the high ohms end of a reading when this is taken from red to black connections, will be of less importance than one at the low ohms end, which will equate with low throttle positions and involves take off and low speed control. Even so any intermittent contact is not a good thing.

It is very important that the reading across the complete resistance i.e. from red to black reads a stable approximately 5,000 ohms, no matter how you bump the unit about
Trevor, New Zealand.

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