Thread: Ungrateful SOB!
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Old 04-01-2010, 09:16 PM
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Re: Ungrateful SOB!

Originally Posted by subi-crosser View Post
The 'junk' NAZI has stated by certified mail that he was going to haul my 30 Willys and 46 Dodge OUT of my carport and charge ME for the clean up!
The Willys is now sitting behind a new wall, (I closed in the carport) Blocked in by a 90%restored Mustang rag top. The 38 Dodge is in the bay that the Mustang was sleeping in, the 46 is still sitting out in the other carport, blocked in by the Mustang on one end and my really clean 91 Dodge PU on the other. The new NO TRESPASSING signs are in place and the magnum is fully complimented and oiled.
I explained to him that 90% of the people that see the 46 LIKE it!
I will bring MY pictures to the city council meeting on monday night.
HELL!! I ain't hurtin' no one, (YET)
I bought the WORST house in the neighborhood over 20 years ago. I have spent a PILE of money and YEARS of my time turning this dump into a 'HOME' for my children.
We have worked on the house and played with old cars here ever since. Now that I am playing with old cars with my GRANDCHILDREN, it becomes a 'problem'.
When someone 'follows' the 'Historic' signs from the highway, they pass within 15 FEET of my front porch.
(99.8% of those 'tourists' will never KNOW that I build old cars in back of my 160 year old house!
They WILL see the bushes that I trim, the grass that belongs to the city that I mow and the flowers that I plant on the 'citys' dirt. As they drive past my 160 year old house they might not 'notice' that all the windows have been replace with 'Grid in Glass' windows that LOOK like 160 year old windows. THAT cost a BUNCH of extra money, but I did it that way to keep the 'hood' as much like it 'was then' as possible.
There are several pictures of my house in the local tourist trap with a 1938 Oldsmobile parked out front. I want to 'duplicate' the pic, but wish to use the 1938 Dodge.
I have retained the SAME poles on the front porch. I have created 'similar' banisters. I have paid the 'extra' to have windows that LOOK the same, so the pictures match. I have 'visions' of 'tourists' stopping here to 'shoot' the SAME pic that they SAW at the 'trap'. They will have NO way of knowing that I am building 'old cars' and preserving HISTORY 175 feet up the alley!
Don't have to worry about the 'tourists' seeing those pics! The snoozepaper, this very day announced that the musieum was CLOSING because of Budjet cuts!
Since NO ONE responded to the 'post' I have to assume the I am all alone in this fight.

After being a 'stellar' citizen for 57 years, I will have to become a 'criminal' to preserve 'HISTORY'!!!
I will NOT allow these 'people' to STEAL my truck!

IF they TRY to steal my truck, it will be NATIONAL headlines!
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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