Thread: Ungrateful SOB!
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Old 03-29-2010, 09:35 PM
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Re: Ungrateful SOB!

Originally Posted by subi-crosser View Post
Thanx! I thought he needed a 'mentor'. He needs a 'keeper' and better drugs!
Hand me the bowl, I wash my hands of this person!

(I want my asphalt back NOW!)
Set that 'pretty' camaro over in the MUD across the street!
I'll bring something that I own to fill that space!
Since this guy has cops all over the 'hood' all the time, they have 'discovered' that I play with rusty junk here.
I got a letter from the 'city' on friday. It stated that I had (3) 'JUNK' vintage vehicles in my yard and they wanted the 'problem' to go away or they would come and TAKE them!
IF they decide to come under my CARPORTS and TAKE my cars, I will be going to JAIL for murder!
I have 'shiney' stuff in the garages that they could not touch, but I wish them to remain 'clean and dry', so I refuse to set them out into the elements so I can 'stash' cars that I am working on in a place that I can't WELD!
I wrote them a nice 3 page letter today and will be dropping by to see them before BLOOD is SHED!
I closed in one carport, since I don't have the Bucks to do the 1930 Willys yet. But, I put the bed on the 46 yesterday, and will be finishing up the welding on the drivetrain and making it go and stop this week.
I got the fenders and title for the 38 on the day they wrote the letter, so I have 30 days to do something 'positive' with it before it becomes a 'problem'.

Continuing... One of the neighbors that called the cops on the camaro got a 'letter' from the city because her grandkids are HOGS!
They dump whatever is in their trucks right next to the alley for all to see! (My garage connects with their property).
They dump their waste oil on the weeds instead of cutting them, they buy old cars, sit them on the street and let them DECAY then call the junk man to haul them away.(This has happened with 10 or more since I came here). They built a new garage. The (4) 'sky lights' blew off the FIRST year and it took them 10 years to replace them! Let the rain, snow, leaves fall!! (into the garage).
I didn't GET a letter till the city guy came back to 're-check' them! THEN, she 'complained' about My stuff! (They waited 5 days of 10 to START on the clean-up). By then, I had already painted anything that needed a 'touch up' on my buildings, raked and bagged all the leaves that came off of THEIR trees, picked up all the trash that had blown off of THEIR property, Including the pieces of ROOF that had blown off of their garage and damaged my SVX! They didn't even RAKE the debris on the ground till AFTER they were re-checked!
By then, I had raked, swept, and taken the air compressor and BLOWN all the dust out from under my 'offending' vehicles!

Yea, I REALLY want the 47 sitting out there for the next windstorm!

I started my 'protest' by building a pole for my Gadston flag to hang on! Then I stuck my Dodge Motorsports flag on the 38.
I am the ONLY one in a 4 block area that has PAINTED anything on a building!
I have ALREADY used 3 gallons of house paint this year!
I have been mowing 1/2 acre of 'city' property for 22 years. I am the ONLY citizen that will dig out a fire Hydrant in this area!
I shoveled out the 'single mom', next door and the disabled man next to her and the disabled woman next to him, plus the 'dead' guy on the other side, EVERY time it snowed here!
I also have 'perfect' attendance at 'WORK', and heat with coal and wood that I haul and cut.
These 'city' guys better be 'nice' to me! I might QUIT doing all the 'Public Service' stuff!
I have more letters from the city Thanking me for the stuff I do than I have for old cars in the back yard.
I might have to drag the guys that wrote the 'other' letters to the meeting with the guy that wrote the latest one.
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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