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Old 02-17-2010, 05:23 AM
sowise sowise is offline
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Re: Car wont start tried everything I can think of... I'm confused! help!!!

Johnny I saw recently you were still working on your security alarm set up did you recently do anything with that around the time this started happening? Did you have to cut and splice into the ignition wiring for it?
As was suggest already you may need to reverify your wiring.
I would pull all fuses you don't need to be able to run the car or atleast the ones in areas that have been recently worked on and pretty much the accessories.
Load test your battery to see what condition it is in. You should still be able to start and run your car off a well charged battery even if the alternator isn't working so disconnect and isolate your alt. wiring.
Does your engine crank but won't fire? Does you hear the ignition click when you turn the key (ignition relay?). Your stalling problem may not even be due to an electrical issue. Fuel pump? Fuel Filters? Clogged, broken, or loose vacuum tubing broken/ bad sensors.. etc. The more detail you can give on what the car IS doing would be helpful. Also have you been messing with the dash and for changing your dash lights? Try to see if you were doing something in a specific area when this started to occur.
Once you get it running it is just a simple matter of adding things back in one at a time making sure they do not have an adverse effect when reconnected. Thats my 2 cents for what it is worth though I don't or haven't had a whole lot of troubleshooting exp. on these cars.
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