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Old 02-07-2010, 10:50 PM
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Re: Transmission Slipping Please help

No need to be sorry.

Disconnecting the resistor hardened up shifts but did not effect your problem. This would tend to indicate that low line pressure is not involved, but is not absolute test. A pressure test could still be worthwhile.

From what you say the transmission could possibly be slipping in second and fourth. You say ---”Almost like the break band I think it is called is not grabbing to its full strength.”, and you could very well be correct.

The band locks the drum for 2nd, releases it for 3rd, then locks it again for 4th. Keeping this in mind you may be able to ascertain whether a brake band adjustment is worth your while. I think it would be a good bet.

Top right on the home page, you will find among other things, “How Too Documents. Select and follow with “Transmission”, then “Brake Band Adjustment”.

You certainly should do a TCU diagnostic check, but like you, I cannot locate anything within the how to stuff which is all over the place. Someone reading here may know where to find it. Sorry I do not have time to scan and attach. If all else fails, start a new thread a shout.

You have been told in #4, that your fault is terminal. I have been taking time, in the hope of saving you considerable expense. Follow your nose and keep fingers crossed.
Trevor, New Zealand.

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