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Old 01-07-2010, 03:59 PM
RoughSilver92 RoughSilver92 is offline
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Re: Memory dump of ECU

I am still trudging through this code and I want to make sure i am interpreting this correctly:
00ADC6 AD2E10 lda ax, 0x102e
00ADC9 2900FF and ax, #0xff00
00ADCC 890D1A80 mpy 0x801a
Since it is little endian, 102f contains the most significant digits and 102e contains the less significant digits. So the value at 102e is inconsequential because the and will clear those bits anyways. In reality it is multiplying the value at 102f followed by 8 bits of zeros with the value at 801b followed by the value at 801a, or:

Is this about right or do I have it backwards?
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