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Old 08-29-2009, 09:18 PM
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Re: Health care outside the U.S.

This has been a very interesting discussion - with no yelling, even! What a novel approach and quite different from some of our recent town hall meetings Congressmen have had.

It strikes me that the original questions posed were excellent, and the answers received from our "out-of-country" brethren was not was expected when they were asked. (I remember the argument earlier that the people from Canada and other countries were coming to the US for medical treatment because of the long waits in their country; therefore the US system is better.) In particular, the question: "......would you change your system for one like the current US system?" As was pointed out, no one would opt for the "private" insurance vs the "public" insurance.
An excellent point was made also about once we (in the US) start with a private insurance policy, it is most likely that the cost will rise, and rise quickly. My 15 years if working for General Dynamics bears that out. And if you become very ill, you will likely be dropped from coverage. Seen it happen a lot. And a friend told me just today that last year he and his wife were in Florida visiting and she had a severe heart problem. His insurance company (Blue Cross) told them, "no, we will not pay the medical bills, because the issue (heart problem) should have been taken care of in Virginia of before they left for Florida! Now what is wrong with THAT picture. The lady also needs a hip replacement, but is concerned about even having that done (in Virginia, of course), because their insurance coverage is for 80% only (standard here in the US unless you can afford a secondary insurance policy), and she still needs to pay off the $11,000 medical bill from Florida. Now, no one can tell me that is right! Not even Lee. Is this just an anomaly? Not by a long shot! It happens all the time.
Another friend of mine just found out that his insurance company will not pay for a vaccination against the "shingles" (the government MEDICARE program now covers that!!). A preventative measure, but they won't pay for it. IF the person happens to catch shingles later in life, they are shooting the odds they won' be the insurance company then.

Seems pretty clear that a public system is better, especically when those that have it are not willing to opt for the private (I'll take you for every penny I can) insurance companies. No wonder the insurance companies are spending $1.4 Million a day to fight the proposed health care changes!
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