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Old 08-08-2009, 04:18 PM
RojoRocket RojoRocket is offline
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Re: Taxes that the Liberal can understand

Originally Posted by TomsSVX View Post
1. Taxes. You pay them.

2. Where does the money go? To support and run our local and Federal governments.

3. If the government runs a program, bailout, or stimulus package they need to get the money for said programs.

4. Where does the money come from? THE TAX PAYERS(see pt. 1) or the national debt if there is not enough tax payer monies for said program

5. National Debt. This is the gov't borrowing money to run.

So with that said, I would like to just ask you people to THINK before accepting an offer or hand-out from the US Gov't. While you think you may be getting one over on the rest of us, you are not. We all pay for your terrible decision making. Welfare and unemployment are just as bad as cash for clunkers or any stimulus plan. It sucks this nation dry with leaches like the people who partake in this bull**** liberal crap.

Now, one more thing that I thought was common sense until this Obomination started spreading. It has been proven in the past that a nation CANNOT spend its way out of debt. I know you would think you could ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?1!? Thanks to all that voted for Obama and got him elected to run our country into the ground

You speak as though President Decider's war against Sadam's weapons of mass destruction is already paid off. I guess all is forgiven on that front? Maybe you could get Mr Cheney to pay it off. I'm sure he'd be sympathetic. We stoopid liberals just don't get it? Typical ultra-conservative memory span.

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