Thread: RIP
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Old 07-29-2009, 12:37 PM
STeeL25T STeeL25T is offline
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I am not at all saying that living outside your means is good and paying of debt is bad, but neither of those things are huge threats at the moment. If everyone stoped spending money, the entire economy grinds to a hault... You have to understand that, you got to put something in to get something out. Well no ones putting anything in, so nothing is ever going to be better. Paying down our national deficit will not save anyones job this year or next, this stimulus has that power.

It is a much better plan than "saving money" by letting the big three lay off 500,000 people to draw unemployment for 6 months and letting the banks collapse and eliminate our lending system rendeing most millions of home loans null and void, and the insurance companies eat dirt leaving million of people without coverege.
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