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Old 06-25-2009, 07:59 PM
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Re: Wheel experts have a look!

Originally Posted by SubaROO View Post
Honestly, I think they're too flashy. Too much chrome, and not sporty looking enough. But that's just my opinion.

It may be from a Miata website: but you can use this to compare your stock tire/rim size to what you're planning, to see how much difference there is.

It may not tell you if they rub, but you could like, measure it or something I'm sure.

P.S. What kind of car is that?
Oh I know how much difference there is. it is out 4mm in the rear, 16mm in the front. As far as measuring goes you would need to know the compression stroke length to do so which isn't the easiest thing to find out unless you mount tires and hit some good old fashion bumps and skid pads.
British vehicles are my last ditch attempt to keep the nasty Italian thoughts in my mind at bay. So far its working.
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