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Old 09-23-2002, 11:17 AM
Posts: n/a
****! Blew a tire. Need tire recommendations!

So yeah, on the way home last night I was going 65 then Blalblalbaklbjsaklbjalbjlakjbklasdjflk;jasdfkl;JDK L:FJAKLJSDKLFJAKLSJDKLAJSd the car starts thumping. Rolled at about 20mph to the next exit...stopped in a parking lot, changed the tire. There's a gash about 4" long on the sidewall of my tire, it almost looks like it was knifed. Who knows. Anyway, my tires are almost all gone anyway, so what do you guys recommend? I need all season tires, but I'd like them to be quiet, nice riding, sticky, and if possibly cool looking.

Let me know!

- Ca$h
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