Thread: I need to vent
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Old 09-20-2002, 10:00 PM
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Re: I need to vent

Originally posted by svxqueen
I am seeing red today!!

This morning by boss says "hey Amanda you know you have another dent in your car on the passenger side" I'm like no I don't get in on the passenger side. So of course I have to go outside and look at it. As I walk towards my car I see it ( I have no idea how I could have missed it) right below the rear window is a nice size dent. Luckly the paint isn't scratched and I can have the paintless dent removal guy fix it. But........We can't people leave a note apologizing for hitting you car? I don't care about insurance information just an apology would have worked for me!!! I guess that may be asking for to much.

The other dent was the same scenario....only that one needs to go the body shop to get taken care of.

AHHHHH people who can't take responsiblity for there actions irritate me!!

thanks for listening!!
I know the feeling. I got most of my passenger side dents from parking in the company's parking lot, so I have decided to start parking my car on the side streets. I tried to fix most of the visible dents myself. I bought this ding king tool kit from for 29.95 and it did make a difference. I've heard of this before but I was very skeptical until one of the members here used it and posted positive comments about it. That's when I bought my own kit. My car looks much better now. I still have a few tiny dents to remove but most of the major ones are gone. It is very easy to use and I am pleased with the result.
- Viv
1992 SVX LS, Claret "Caressa"

"Striving for excellence motivates you. Striving for perfection is demoralizing.".
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