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Old 04-20-2009, 06:46 PM
rvnmaniac rvnmaniac is offline
Formerly known as henryrace@hotma
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Baltimore Md.
Posts: 449
Re: Reading photos & uploads

Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Alright you drunken tards! You have corrupted me in the worst way.

As requested from earlier in the day (before Tom was totally drunk), I have created a general login on the photos site for images. I ask that only people that took images at Reading X upload them and that they be from the event. Upload your best collection remembering the event. That way we may all recall the drunken activities and the rest of the site members can see what they need to plan for in the future. It will be hard to TOP this years Reading, but I am confident that John, Earl, Diana, both Toms, and everyone else involved with somehow see it done again and again...

Follow the link to
Login with the username of "readingx" (all lowercase with no quotes)
The password is private, but everyone whom was there knows the password as a "W" word, all lower case and induced giggles and coughing. (Thanks Randy and Tom.... my guts hurt and my voice is hoarse)

From the Founder of the SVXWN, I would like to say thank you to all that made this year happen, all that atteneded, and those whom made sure I made it there coach class, and not inside luggage!

"Best Reading Ever!"
Now where is the lou?
Maybe i need to be lead by the hand. I logged in properly but i don't see anything or a way that allows me to upload pics. What am i missing?
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