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Old 04-14-2009, 07:11 PM
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Bailey Bailey is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Des Moines, Iowa
Posts: 176
Re: 1995 Green L AWD with only 65K miles in NY

your car is in a lot better shape than my 94 LSi was (with 95000 mi ) that I got three years ago and have had problem after problem with- I paid just a little less than that for mine, some might say I was stupid, but it goes to show you it's all what someone will pay and how badly they want it...I love my car despite the fact that it has needed almost constant repairs (I dream of being able to get it in A+ condition) Plus supply and demand plays a part. In Iowa, not many SVX's come up for sale and is difficult to get to the coasts to be choosy. It sounds like your car is def worth what you are asking
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