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Old 03-13-2009, 03:44 PM
maxg765 maxg765 is offline
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Re: CA Reintroduces Bill for ANNUAL Emissions Tests for Vehicles 15-Years & older

Originally Posted by SVXRide View Post
Fortunately, or unfortunately, this is one of the obvious ways to address air pollution generated by automobiles (i.e., get the older "dirty" cars off the road). I do believe there should be a maximum yearly mileage aspect of any law put into place that would protect "vintage/collector" vehicles.
I would have to think that "official vintage or classic" cars would be exempt however in the US a vehicle is only considered an antique vintage automobile after hit hits 25 years of age. The SVX has still a ways to go. I guess we may start to see some good deals coming out of Cali for a lot of cars between 15 and 25 years. Then again if you keep your car running properly there should be no issue or just wait till that place of that guy that a friend knows will pass your car for $500 or something like that.


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