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Old 02-26-2009, 06:57 AM
SVXMAN2001 SVXMAN2001 is offline
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Re: vitamins and supplements

You will also want to do cardio activity other than running. The more you do of one exercise the less energy you will be exerting. For example, say you run 2 miles within 15 minutes, you do this for about a month a 3/4 times a week. In the beginning this will be a shock to the system and as a result cause your body to burn more calories. As time goes on your body will become accustom to that exercise and hence require less calories to burn. So the alternative is to incorporate other cardio activities such as playing sports, swimming, biking, you name it anything that gets your heart rate up. For me, because I enjoy running I switch up my running workouts one day will be stamina where I'll just run 5 miles at a constant pace, another day I'll do hill intervals other days I'll do speed workouts, all to prevent my body from plateuing and constantly changing what muscles are worked.

To answer your question, if you are looking to do all at once meaning get cut, get bigger and still be able to keep up your cardio routine you need to consume many more calories at least 3 - 4,000. Again, diet is the key. Supplements will help but these are inorganic chemicals made in a factory that aren't approved by the FDA. In addition, your body will process these supplements differently then say natural sources of protein, sugars and fats, the latter having a more substantial impact on your body's nutritional requirements.

Quick question, in your first post you said that you "eat like crazy", what are you eating? In addition, when you are working out are you working out till failure? A proper weight training routine can be just as effective as a carido workout. For instance, I used to take a long time at least a minute or two between each set, now I take at most 30 seconds between each set and am breathing heavier and sweating much more. It makes obvious sense but a lot of times we become complacent in our workouts and wonder why aren't seeing gains when the issue is that we (I) am not pushing myself.
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