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Old 02-21-2009, 08:09 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Re: 17 year old daughter having a 'but first' year..

Originally Posted by subi-crosser View Post
I am convinced that a LOT of the 'higher' education is an attempt to intruduce as many 'Liberal' ideals as possible, rather than 'inform' the children.
I think you should consider that a truly educated person is one who is willing to be exposed to, and challenged by, ideas and ideals that may differ from his or her ingrained way of thinking. Are some college courses pure drivel? No doubt. But the exposure might still be worth the experience.

Seventeen is a tough age; some folks aren't mature enough to make these decisions at 30. There's a technical school near here that has an advertising tag line I like: "We'll help you get to where you want to be, even if you don't know where that is yet." I think some sort of tech training or a community college is a great start for a well-rounded high school grad in no rush to the altar, as she mulls-over her options for the future. As others has said, there's really no rush.

Good luck to her.

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