Thread: Pluralizing SVX
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Old 02-11-2009, 05:30 AM
dcarrb dcarrb is offline
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Re: Pluralizing SVX

Originally Posted by Hondasucks View Post
Technically in that sense, the apostrophe would come AFTER the S, since the garage belongs to both cars. Like the house that belongs to your parents, is your parents' house, since parents is plural, if you said parent's house, it would imply that it belongs to only one parent :P Also, the e is in there before the S cuz the word ends in X, the same as certain other words like clutch(es). That one does have a rule too but I don't know it off the top of my head and my wife is busy with homework, but basically think of how you say it, you don't say "clutchs" you say "clutch-ezz". When my wife is not doing homework I'll dig out here little grammar rule book and find it.
Correct, if something belongs to more than one, it is indeed s-apostrophe.

On the add-an-e thing, you're probably right. I was a solid "D" student in high school English. Grammatical rules make my head swim, so I make my own.

They you have folks who think they're covering all the bases by adding an apostrophe before EVERY S: Sunday's, peach's, banana's...

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