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Old 02-09-2009, 08:26 AM
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Lightbulb Re: What does your interior smell like?

Originally Posted by Freeman View Post
Believe it or not, I was actually going somewhere with this...

From time to time, when I turn on my heater or A/C, it seems like I can smell the outside of my car.. Like the exhaust or something I smushed on the road... Is it my imagination or super-human sense of smell? Or is this a common problem?
Cars parked in the country for the winter are prone to this stuff. I even had a dryer that got some gel in the intake pipe that would make my cloths smell worst then I ever could.

A good start to fixing your heater issue is to clean out the intake area, usually just below the wipers, on the bottom of the windshield. You may have put a lot of things there while working on your car that have dripped into your heater. Once its clean, turn the heat on full blast and let it bake everything out. It also makes your heater quieter more often then not, and it blows stronger, since many people have all sorts of leaves and crap after years of parking it. if you still have things coming out, or the smell is unchanged, you may need to clean the blower out, its probably original and who knows what the previous owner did. once I found a mouse nest that had been spinning in there for years, I had owner the truck I found it in for almost two, and the blower never gave me much air... no wonder why.

Also, every spring, I like to clean out my car of everything and put it on the ground. It helps to remember all the stuff you put in there, and also to remove what you don't need to save on weight. It never fails I find some sort of McDonalds bag packed under my seat, or fries in my trunk. I don't even eat fast food, so who knows what you may find.

BTW, usually my car smells like ICE by turtle wax, and my heater smells like nothing but air, so it works pretty well for me.
"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my Grandfather did, in his sleep -- not screaming, like the passengers in his car."

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