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Old 01-06-2009, 09:51 PM
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Re: to those who fight so we can post. . .

Originally Posted by Chris View Post
Thanks a bunch from someone that has already put his time in.

Additionally, my thanks to the ones still working to defend such rights, boarders, and privileges.
Back in 43, my Dad was a radio radio guy on the Allution Islands. It got all the way up to MINUS 15 on a warm day.
My brother spent 2 years on a 'tramp' steamer, disquised as a Merchant Marine vessel. LOADED with the BEST intercept stuff, floating off the coast of USSR. My brother-in law was on an aircraft carrier for 6 years,
Another brother did 2 'hitches' with USMC in Nam. He was in 'Graves Registration'. No dialog needed to explain what he did.
I have 'tracings' of the names of my friends that didn't make it home.

No, I didn't 'serve'. I had the good fortune of 'maturing' during the 'peace' years.

I also have never participated in a 'PEACE' demonstration. I have never called a VET a 'baby killer' nor spat in their general direction.

These are the people that LIVE in fear so WE don't have to!
They make sure that the weapon under their pillow is CLEAN and READY for service!

I THANK GOD for them ALL!!!!

You should too!
I'm not a REDNECK! I am an Appalachian-AMERICAN!!

"Can't go to work today. The 'voices' said to "Stay home and clean the guns".

Most famous Red-Neck last words...
" Hey Everybody, Watch This!!)
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