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Old 11-19-2008, 12:14 AM
Blue94 Blue94 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Salt Lake City, Utah
Posts: 102
easy trans question

Hey guys, I've read the “how to” article on changing the trans fluid and went and bought a filter
kit and some Mobile1 synthetic Fluid. (at $8 a quart...sheesh)

Okay, here are my questions. 1. The "how to" article said to put 2 quarts in and start the car,
then fill the remaining fluid with the car running and in gear. So I should put the car in Drive
and have someone hold the brakes while I fill? Is that right?

2. The Mobile1 said it works with all ATF fluids and replaces Subaru ATF so I am just looking
for any confirmation that I can add this type of fluid and it will work with whatever is already in

Sorry for the simplistic questions but I couldn’t find the answers in the archives. Thank guys.
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