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Old 11-06-2008, 03:23 AM
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kwren kwren is offline
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Re: Cindy McCain Drifting

I am constantly amazed at the quality people that the liberal press keep trashing 24/7.

What a filthy piece of garbage the CNN CBS NBC ABC etc are. The never-ending "Praise and worship" free campaign to elect the "empty suit" was a disgrace to all real Americans.

I was just commenting to my wife how we never see or hear of any quality people that are in the liberal fold. Their only goal is to take from working Americans and "redistribute the wealth" to buy votes from another group that are too stupid to even know what is happening to them.

The liberals and their willing accomplices in the press spend their lives trashing God and America and any person that is a good example of what America was.
Our country is in trouble.
Sarah Palin is a great example of what real Americans are. She is actually "people". Everyone I talked to that was voting for McCain was doing it because of Sarah. If we had known a little mare about Cindy, we could have voted for McCain because of Cindy!

Go Cindy McCain!!

If anyone doesn't like my comments, please don't read this.

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