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Old 10-22-2008, 07:03 AM
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Re: Improved MPG Checklist Thread

■ New Spark Plugs
■ New Oxygen Sensors
■ Matching and properly inflated tires
■ Clean or Replace PCV valve
■ Change oil & filter every 3,000 miles
■ Check coolant fluids
■ Clean Fuel Injectors
■ Replace Air Filter
■ Replace Fuel Filter
■ Fuel Pressure Check
■ Use only Premium 91+ Gasoline
■ With an A/T keep the tach between 2200 and 3000 rpm when driving below 45mph.
The A/T torque converter is more efficient in this range.
■ Keep the engine running when stopped for a few minutes
otherwise the ECU goes back into open loop mode.
■ Drive down hill using the trans for braking to warm-up the engine and trans.
■ Change the o-ring on the fuel injectors. On the old engines they are hard and leak.
■ Drive with the TC lock-ed up at 45mph to get the best MPG.

The torque converter is not very effecient until it gets to 2300 rpm. Try driving in 1st or 2nd when the speed is low to keep the tach up.

I have been watching the O2 and I need someone else to check this. I see it going back into open loop every time the engine is shut off. This is even after the engine is warmed up. Open loop uses more gas.

Driving down a hill in 3rd or 2nd helps to warm up the engine and A/T and does not use gas. This is a much more efficent way to warm-up the SVX.

The o-rings on the fuel injectors are old and stiff and do not seal well. Gas can leak around the injector body. Ah this is just a theory right now. I have the o-rings but have not pulled the old ones out yet. On a hot day the O2 was reading very rich. These o-rings get a lot of heat from the engine and I think will only last more than four years. Gosh I hope they are Viton.


May your transmission live forever.
Proud sponsor of a 1992 SVX.
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