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Old 10-16-2008, 09:41 AM
anthonybuchanan anthonybuchanan is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: Chicago
Posts: 410
anthonybuchanan is on STRIKE

Looks like I've pissed off too many members here and its time for me to request that my membership be deleted, cancelled, wiped away.

Sorry for all the trouble here guys.

I don't beleive that what I've said here is so bad that so many members plus the administrators should gang up on me however it is what it is so I will make my exit. It certainly was not my intention to make enemies here but just to think differently. But only slightly differently. I still love svx'es like evryone else.

Its no big deal though. I've kicked some ass in my life before. This is not the first time that I've had my ass kicked either.

Please cancel my membership though. I won't be back though anyway even for a brief peek at the carnage. I'm sure it will die down soon and you guy will be back to normal.

My cosmetic svx project will go on and be completed maybe by end of November. Ive decided I'll just commit the funds to do a total repaint after I get my exterior assessories. Later, before spring, I will get a lot of mechanical upgrades such as koni's, ECU chip, etc.

By next summer my car will be show quality. Maybe I'll even do new carpet. All I think about is how I like my svx. Not because its a Subaru but because of the cool Italian looking lines.

This is my last visit here. I know this hate anthonybuchanan stuff will die down in a little while and things can return to normal here but I've lost respect for how this administrator has joined the mob.

In about 2 months if you happen to see the most awesome looking SVX you've ever seen, even better looking then solar's svx, then that would be me driving it.

Goodbye my friends.

Last edited by anthonybuchanan; 12-12-2008 at 09:26 AM.