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Old 10-10-2008, 04:39 PM
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bjandtheband bjandtheband is offline
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Re: ObamaBots smashed the window on my svx

Listen i am voting for OBAMA and i don,t agree with everything he stands for ,but since bush took office i've noticed that i have been pinching penny's just to get by & and thats mainly because of the unfair tax practice of the republican party ,how do u give tax breaks to people who does not really need it and toss aside those who does ,and it surprises me that women supports mccain when in fact he voted against equal pay for equal work ,thats telling me that he believes women are not equal to men in the work place even if they perform the same duties and have same positions as man. that goes to show its not mccain's view they share and support, its something else . i'll let the educated people come to a conclusion to why some people wont vote for OBAMA knowing that if mcain wins their lives wont be any better for it.People please do your research and not let television sway your votes most of mccains allegations have been lies ,and its been proven that they are lies ,so please vote smart.
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