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Old 09-28-2008, 07:19 PM
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Re: What is worse? Why?

Originally Posted by BeneathNorthernSkys View Post
So your assuming in this statement, that having multiple jobs, you'll be there to care for that child. I would like to think that everyone would be able to do so, but the reality is, that working multiple jobs, means not being there a HUGE portion of the time. I guess that kid can raise them self though, so no biggie right?
Wow, that was taken completely out of context. I was simply saying that it would drive you to do what is necessary to have what you need. Multiple jobs also doesn't have to mean working 80+ hours a week. Have you ever heard of two part time jobs? As far as that goes, most of the people I know who 'waited' did so to establish a career, in which case you generally end up with both parents working, business hours most often, and the child is raised by sitters, daycare and nannies. Or wait, 'raised by them selves' was the term, or wasn't it?

Where I'm mostly going here is that these 'kids' would stand a much better chance if we gave up on the nagging, lecturing and generally downward looking attitude and just gave them some advice that didn't make them start off feeling like a failure. They don't need to feel as though they made a huge mistake, at very least that isn't healthy for a pregnancy or during the lovely postpartom depression stages of parenthood. As a society we need to be more supportive of what needs to happen and less nagging of what has already taken place.
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