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Old 09-28-2008, 03:55 PM
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BeneathNorthernSkys BeneathNorthernSkys is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Kennewick, WA
Posts: 172
Re: What is worse? Why?

I think the real lesson in all of this is simple. How do you prevent yourself from having a child before you're ready?

I happen to have an awesome and easy answer. Don't have sex. Simple math, you+no one = 0% chance of a child.

So I should think that we all can think about this with a logical outlook and decide whats more important. A secure future, in which a child would be protected and cared for by those responsible. Or a uncertain life in which the possibility may arise that the child is unfit to be cared for by yourself and have to give it up for adoption.

I don't mean to demean anyone who has had a child and wasn't ready, or who decided to take the risk. Or simply anyone who has had a child and was happy. I am simply stating the risk is known, the statistics are there, all that's left is for you to take that and apply it as you see fit.

Not worried about dealing with a child, go out and do as you please. However for the majority of young adults who are not financially or emotionally ready, just wait. I realize that it can be hard to not want to reward urges or desires. I'll be the first to admit, I've not always ignored them, however, the odds are in your favor if you limit, or just don't go along with those passions.

I say this with the view point of someone who is 20 and is well aware of the consequences of my actions.
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Last edited by BeneathNorthernSkys; 09-28-2008 at 04:07 PM.
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