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Old 09-16-2008, 03:49 PM
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Re: Roll of the dice election

Originally Posted by lhopp77 View Post
Sounds like the democratic party line to me--I still fail to see how ANYONE can say that McCain is even marginally like Bush on most things. He has ALWAYS been known as a maverick and has many MORE joint legislative efforts with the democrats than any combined efforts in the other direction. About the only thing he is consistent with Bush is the war on terror--and thats a no brainer.

He obviously does follow more of the republican philosophy, but is a long ways from being the same as Bush. And Palin of course took on the republican party corruption and good old boy network, so she is not the same. The democratic leadership should figure out that "four more of the same" message is falling on deaf ears for anyone other than the voters they were already going to get. Just because you are not a far lefter does not mean that you are stupid.

If you think its necessary to label me a democrat, thats up to you. Ive never had a strong positive feeling for either side. I wanted Ross Perott to win when I was in middle school. Democratic line or not, I think O'bama would have a better chance of making people thinking we are out of this bush rut. even the majority of the world would rather have him. Anyway, when is the last time we had a black president? (movies don't count) would'nt that be interesting? We can never legitimatly here the term.. "its a white mans world" oh snap!

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